
What Is Another Word For Owners Drawing

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Civilisation. Media. Working with text. Discussion Topics

Exercise one. Translate and lean the following words:

Culture, fine art, value, drawing, painting, sculpture, architecture, literature, music, ballet, museum, art gallery, theatre, cultural tradition, custom, connoisseur, merchant, famous, cute, masterpiece

music, favourite, listen to music, information, news, collect, singers, programmes, compact discs, museums

Exercise 2.Complete the text with the words and phrases from the box.

Rich people often � paintings, rare things and other fine art objects. Frequently such individual collections are given to � , libraries. Equally for me, I like to � . Therefore I collect � . I like unlike music � .I collect discs of my favourite groups and � .I carefully study the printed � .I endeavour to notice everything about my � singers. I also similar to sentry music � on Tv set. I want to proceed up with the � in the world of music.

Exercise 3.Read and translate the text.

Mass media

Mass media (that is the press, the radio and television, the Internet) play an of import role in the life of guild. They inform, educate and entertain people. They also influence the manner people look at the events and sometimes make them change their views.

Millions of people watch TV and read newspapers in their spare time. All people use the Internet on different purposes: for dialogue, for searching the information, for piece of work, for studying, for fun and entertainment.

Internet has many advantages. By means of the Internet it is possible to meet new friends, to communicate with other people. You tin observe whatever information, acquire main news. Meanwhile the Net has lacks. These are viruses. And as it take been already mentioned, there is the Cyberspace habit, which breaks people`s life. Also sometimes the speed of the Internet is very low, so information technology`southward incommunicable to use information technology in an effective way.

People listen to the radio while driving a automobile. On the radio one can hear music, plays, news and various discussions of current events. Lots of radio or TV games and films attract big audience.

Newspapers requite more detailed reviews of political life, culture and sports. Basically they are read past the people who are subscribers and those who are interested in politics.

There is a lot of advertisement in mass media. Many Television receiver channels, radio stations and newspapers are owned by different corporations. The owners tin advertise what-ever they cull.

But we cannot say that mass media practice not try to raise the cultural level of people or to develop their tastes. Mass media bring to millions of homes not only entertainment and news merely also cultural and educational programs. There is a smashing number of Goggle box channels, cable Television, satellite Tv set and lots of radio stations and newspapers now.

Do 4.Discover the right mean for each word.

mass media ������
club ��. �������
to entertain �������
to influence �������� �������� ����������
events �������
view ��������
spare time �������
current events ����� ������
audience ���������
detailed review ��������� �����
subscribers ����������
advertising ��������� �����
to own �������
satellite ����������

Exercise five. Answer the questions:

1) What is mass media?

ii) How does mass media influence people?

three) What is the departure between radio and TV programmes?

4) Does the audience of Goggle box and radio differ?

v) Do you recall that advertising is useful?

half dozen) The purposes for which people use the Internet?

vii) What are the advantages of the Internet?

8) What flaws are on the Internet?

Exercise vi. Find true and false sentences to this theme.

ane) Mass media play an important role in the life of society. They inform, educate arid entertain people.

2) The press inform, brainwash arid entertain people.

3) Meanwhile the Cyberspace has minuses.

4) Television set channels, radio stations and newspapers are owned by dissimilar corporations.

5) There is a great number of Television channels, cable TV, satellite TV and lots of radio stations and newspapers now.

Exercise 7. Read and translate the text.

Idiot box

Television, also chosen TV, is 1 of the most of import mass media. People with a boob tube ready can sit down at dwelling house and tin see and larn about people, animals, and things in faraway lands. Millions of viewers around the world can watch sports events and other events of worldwide interest.

Boob tube brings its viewers a steady stream of programs that are designed to give information and to entertain. In fact, television provides more entertainment programs than any other kind of mass media. The programs include sports events, variety shows, quiz shows, feature films, cartoons, fictional serials called soap operas, etc.

There are 2 master kinds of television stations: public stations and commercial stations. Public television stations are supported by the regime. They usually circulate more educational programs and programs on cultural subjects. News and current affairs programs make up an of import section of programs for nigh public television stations. Commercial television stations are run by individual companies. They sell advertising time to pay for their operating costs and to make a profit for the companies that run the stations.

People tin too subscribe to cablevision television arrangement. Viewers pay a fee for this service. Cablevision television signals are delivered to domicile Boob tube sets of their customers by cables. Some cablevision systems conduct more than one hundred channels � far more than than can circulate even in the largest urban areas.

Satellite broadcasting is another form of subscription television. The signals are transmitted to home TV sets from a straight dissemination satellite in space. The viewer must take a dish-receiver aerial to receive the programs.

We may speak virtually different advantages and drawbacks of idiot box just well-nigh every home has at least one TV ready. On average, a Boob tube fix is in apply for about 7 hours each day. Thus, tele-vision is the most effective means of mass communication known to mankind. It has get the people�due south optics and ears on the world.

Exercise viii. Read and give a summary of the text.


Radio is also 1 of the most important mass media. Radio broadcasts news, discussions, interviews, description of sport events, drama, religious programmes, music, and advertisement.

There is at least i radio station in every country in the world, and altogether there are more than than 25,000 stations all over the earth. Radio stations compete with one another.

Radio programmes vary from country to land. But in all countries, programmes primarily provide information and entertainment. Programmes that provide data include news and electric current affairs, alive broadcasts of sports events, atmospheric condition forecasts, and talk shows. Many talk shows allow listeners to take part in the programme by telephoning the radio station to inquire questions or give their opinions about the topic. Such programmes are sometimes called telephone-ins.

In most countries up to 90 per cent of all programmes are designed for entertainment. Music is a popular kind of radio amusement. Most music stations specialize in one kind of music, such as pop, classical, jazz or folk music. Some stations broadcast several kinds of music. In that location are also comedy shows and plays performed �alive� or recorded in the studio by actors.

A major reason for the widespread use of radios is their port-ability, which ways the ability to be carried effectually easily. People listen to the radios about everywhere � at home, in parks, at beaches and picnics, while driving a car, and even while walking along the street.

Exercise 9.a) Observe in the texts the words which accept the similar meanings as the following words: to watch, type, to incorporate, major, to control, to transmit, diverse, disadvantage, to differ, mainly, to permit, to phone call, the theme;

b) Find in the texts the words which have the opposite meanings to the following words: the to the lowest degree, without, to stand, less, to buy, near, the smallest, disadvantage, drawback, to answer;

Exercise x. Quote the sentences in which these words and give-and-take combinations are used in the texts:

In faraway lands, a steady stream, soap operas, by the news-papers, current affairs, to make a profit, pay a fee, a dish-receiver aerial, at least, compete, weather forecasts, telephone-ins, widespread, at beaches.

Exercise eleven. Find in the texts English equivalents for these words and word combinations:

�������� �������� ����������, �����������, ���������, ����, � ������� �������, �� ����� ����, ���������� �������, �������, ���������� �����, ����������, ��������������� ���������, ��� �����-���� ������, ��������������� �������������, ���-���������, �������������� ������, �����������, �������������� �������, ������� �����, ������������ ������������� �������, �������������, ������� �������, ���������� ������ �����, ��������� ��������� �����, �������, ��������� �������, ��������� ��������, ��������� �����������, ������� �����, ������� ������, ����������� �������, ������������ � ����������, �� ������� ����, � �������, ������������� ���� � ������, ���������� � ������ �����, �������� ������, ��������� �������, ������ �������, �������� ������, �� ����, ����������� ������, ������� �������, �����, �� ������.

Exercise 12.Read and interpret the text, consummate your own topic about your favourite entertainments.


During the past hundred years, the radio, the picture palace and now television take fabricated very dandy changes in the entertainments with which people make full their free fourth dimension.

A hundred years ago people knew how to entertain themselves much meliorate than they do now. When a group of people gathered together, they talked, played cards or other games, read aloud to each other, or went out shooting or walking together. Most people could sing a little, or play a musical instrument, and then at a political party the guests entertained each other.

Chat was an art; amusing conversation could proceed people happy for hours.

Equally for games, such as football game, tennis, people played them more oftentimes than they practice at present. Most of them didn�t play very well, but they could amuse themselves and their friends.

Present we are entertained past professionals. Why listen to your friends singing when you can hear the greatest vocaliser of the globe on the radio? Why play football with players who are not very good at it, when you can get by train or auto to see some of the best players in your country playing an important match; or, if you have got a idiot box set, just sit comfortably at dwelling house and sentry the game without going outside at all?

The art of chat and writing letters is dying. People are becoming more than and more lookers and listeners and less and less doers and talkers though it�south much better to practise something not very well oneself than ever to sit and lookout others doing it.

Lesson 37.



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