
How To Create Snowman In Minecraft

This article is about the regular snow golem. For the Minecraft Earth variant, see Melon golem.

A snow golem is a snowman-like utility mob that helps defend against monsters.


  • 1 Creation
  • 2 Drops
  • 3 Behavior
  • 4 Uses
    • 4.1 Snow
    • 4.2 Provocation by other mobs
      • 4.2.1 Java Edition
      • 4.2.2 Bedrock Edition
  • 5 Sounds
  • 6 Data values
    • 6.1 ID
    • 6.2 Entity data
  • 7 Video
  • 8 History
  • 9 Issues
  • 10 Trivia
  • 11 Gallery
    • 11.1 Screenshots
    • 11.2 In other media
  • 12 References

Creation [ ]

Creating a snow golem requires the player to stack two snow blocks, then place a pumpkin‌[ Bedrock Edition only ], a carved pumpkin, or a jack o'lantern on top. A dispenser may also be used to place the pumpkin. The building pattern also works when arranged sideways or upside-down, as long as the pumpkin is the last block placed. In Java Edition, the player can also place the pattern in any order with an uncarved pumpkin, then use shears on the pumpkin to create a snow golem.

The snow golem spawns at the location of the pumpkin when created horizontally.

Snow golems search for the nearest monster and attack it until it dies.

Endermen are capable of creating snow golems by placing the necessary blocks, although this is an extremely rare event because they do not do so deliberately.[1]

Drops [ ]

Snow golems drop 0–15 snowballs upon death.

Behavior [ ]

Snow golems do not follow players. Snow golems have good path-finding skills; like most mobs, snow golems avoid cacti, fire, lava, and water. They avoid falling off cliffs, although they are immune to fall damage. Snow golems can be put on leads and tied to fences.

Snow golems "melt" (take fire damage) in biomes with a temperature greater than 1.0, or dry/warm biomes like badlands, deserts, savannas and biomes in the Nether. The Fire Resistance effect allows them to survive in these biomes.‌[ Java Edition only ] [2]

They also melt (take damage) when in contact with rain or water, or any water source block.

A snow golem wears its carved pumpkin as a helmet, just like the player does: its actual head is hidden beneath. Shearing a snow golem removes the pumpkin, revealing its face and making it drop the pumpkin. The pumpkin is not part of its ArmorItems; a snow golem does not display its HandItems or its ArmorItems. The player cannot give a snow golem a new pumpkin after shearing it off.

Snow golems do not take freezing damage from powder snow.

Uses [ ]

A group of snow golems throwing snowballs at a spider.

Snow golems move toward every monsters (except ghast) and throw snowballs at them up to 10 blocks away, provoking them, regardless of whether they attack the player.[3] Thrown snowballs do not deal damage except to blazes and wolves,[4] but the snowballs still knock back mobs that they hit.

Additionally, snow golems never intentionally attack the player.

Snow golems also attack creepers, provoking them and causing them to explode.

An iron golem that is hit accidentally by a snow golem's snowball attacks the snow golem, but the snow golem is not provoked by an iron golem attacking it.

The golem's snowballs can deal damage more than a knockback if the shot flies through a lava block.‌[ Bedrock Edition only ]

Snow [ ]

As they move, they leave a trail of snow on the ground if the blocks can support it.[5] If a snow golem is on a hopper or if the mobGriefing game rule is false, a snow trail does not appear. They produce snow only in biomes having a temperature less than 0.81, which includes cold, snowy, and temperate biomes (including the End but not jungle).

Provocation by other mobs [ ]

The list below contains mobs (including players) that can have hostile interactions with snow golems. The snow golem also attacks neutral monsters or hostile mobs that attack the player such as spiders or zombified piglins.

Java Edition [ ]
Entity Snow golem attacks the mob? Attacks the snow golem? Notes
Blaze Yes When attacked, group retaliates
Chicken Jockey Yes When attacked Snow golems attack the rider, but the golem can accidentally hit the chicken. The rider attacks the golem.
When a zombified piglin rider is attacked, the group of zombified piglins retaliate.
Creeper Yes When attacked
Ender Dragon Yes Accidentally[ verify ] When in near vicinity, snow golems try to attack the ender dragon, although they are rarely able to.
Enderman Yes No Unlike when a player looks at an enderman, an enderman is not provoked by a snow golem looking at it.
Endermite Yes When attacked, group retaliates
Ghast Partial No Snow golems do not seek or approach any ghast outside its attack range, but can attack ghasts that happen to approach within reach.
Giant [unused mob] Yes No Giants cannot move or attack due to lacking AI.
Goat No Randomly
Elder Guardian
Yes No
Hoglin Yes When attacked, group retaliates A group of hoglins does not retaliate if babies are attacked.

Illusioner [unused mob][ Java Edition only ]

Yes When attacked Snow golems also attack unarmed pillagers, despite them being passive in Java Edition.
Iron Golem Accidentally When attacked
Killer Bunny Accidentally When attacked
Trader Llama
Accidentally When attacked A snow golem attacks a llama that accidentally hits the golem with its spit. After being hit by the golem, the llama deliberately attacks the golem.
Magma Cube Yes No
Phantom Yes No
Piglin Yes When attacked, group retaliates Snow golems also attack baby piglins, despite them being passive.
Piglin Brute Yes When attacked, group retaliates
Player No At player's discretion Unlike iron golems, snow golems are passive to the player.
Polar Bear Accidentally When attacked
Pufferfish No Defensive
Shulker Yes When attacked, group retaliates
Silverfish Yes When attacked, group retaliates
Skeleton Horseman
Wither Skeleton
Yes When attacked Snow golems attack Skeleton s riding skeleton horses, but the golem can accidentally hit the skeleton horse.
Slime Yes When attacked
Cave Spider
Spider Jockey
Yes When attacked
Witch Yes When attacked
Wither Yes Yes Snow golems always attack withers, even when the attacks do no damage while the wither is generating health after being summoned.
Wolf (wild) Accidentally When attacked, group retaliates
Wolf (tamed) When attacked In defense of owner Tamed wolves attack the snow golem if the owner attacks the golem. When attacked by the wolf, the golem retaliates.
Zoglin Yes Yes Unlike hoglins, a group does not attack the golem if the golem attacks one zoglin.
Zombie variants:

Zombie Villager

Yes When attacked Swimming drowned do not attack any mob that is not touching water during daytime.
Zombified Piglin Yes When attacked, group retaliates
All other mobs Accidentally No
Bedrock Edition [ ]

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Sounds [ ]

Sound Subtitles Source Description Resource location Translation key Volume Pitch Attenuation
Snow Golem dies ? ? entity.snow_golem.death subtitles.entity.snow_golem.death ? ? 16
Snow Golem hurts ? ? entity.snow_golem.hurt subtitles.entity.snow_golem.hurt ? ? 16
Snowball flies ? ? entity.snow_golem.shoot subtitles.entity.snowball.throw ? ? 16

Data values [ ]

ID [ ]

Java Edition:

Name Resource location Translation key
Snow Golem snow_golem entity.minecraft.snow_golem

Bedrock Edition:

Name Resource location Numeric ID Translation key
Snow Golem snow_golem 21

Entity data [ ]

Snow golems have entity data associated with them that contain various properties.

Java Edition:

  • Entity data
    •  Pumpkin : 1 or 0 (true/false) - whether or not the Snow Golem has a pumpkin on its head.

Bedrock Edition:

See Bedrock Edition level format/Entity format.

Video [ ]

History [ ]

This section is missing information about 1.14 changed pumpkins multiple times.

Please expand the section to include this information. Further details may exist on the talk page.

Java Edition
1.0.0 September 21, 2011 Snow golems were first showcased by Notch on Twitter as a new mob[6] that is "craftable, is friendly, and throws snowballs at enemies. Also melts in hot biomes."[7] and that it would "spread snow by walking around."[5]
They were stated on Reddit to appear in Beta 1.9.[8]
Notch originally planned to call this mob Snowmen. However, soon after revealing the name, Reddit user Cuttleman stated he would call them Snow Golems, a name Notch approved of and made official.[9]
Beta 1.9 Prerelease Snow Golem JE1 BE1.png Added snow golems.
Snow golems flee when attacked.
Beta 1.9 Prerelease 2 Snow golems can be bred with wheat and attack other snow golems nearby.
Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3 Reverted the above changes.
? During the Beta release candidates, snow golems attack players holding wheat. However, they do not attack immediately.
1.2.1 12w06a Snow golems have a new path-finding AI and can form a wall to attack mobs.
Snow golems now takes damage from rain and water.
12w07a Snow golems now take damage in deserts, jungles, the Nether.
1.8 14w04a Snow golems can now be created by dispensing the pumpkin from a dispenser atop two snow blocks.
14w05b Snow golems' pumpkin heads are no longer visible when they have the Invisibility effect.
14w25a Snow golems can now be built sideways and upside-down instead of just upright.
14w26c Jack o'lanterns can no longer be used to build snow golems.
14w33a Snow golems now attack creepers, provoking them.
1.8.1 pre1 Jack o'lanterns can now be used to build snow golems again.
1.9 15w31c Snow golems can no longer cause damage to ender dragons.
15w46a Snow golems no longer create a trail of snow layers, if the gamerule mobGriefing is set to false.
15w49a Sheared Snow Golem JE1 BE1.png Snow golems' pumpkin can now be removed with shears.
15w50a Added sounds entity.snowman.ambient, entity.snowman.hurt, and entity.snowman.death.
1.11 16w32a Snow golems now use a byte data tag Pumpkin to determine whether they have a pumpkin head, allowing sheared snow golems to save and reload in their sheared state.
The entity ID has been changed from SnowMan to snowman.
1.13 pre5 The entity ID has been changed from snowman to snow_golem.
1.14 18w43a Snow Golem.png Sheared Snow Golem JE2 BE2.png The textures of snow golems have been changed.
1.16 20w07a Snow golems now drop a pumpkin when sheared.[10]
20w15a Snow golems can now be sheared by dispensers.
pre1 Snow golems are now damaged by splash water bottles and lingering water bottles.
1.17 21w13a Snow golems are now immune to freezing.
Pocket Edition Alpha
v0.12.1 build 1 Sheared Snow Golem JE1 BE1.png Added snow golems.
build 2 Snow Golem JE1 BE1.png Snow golems now spawn wearing a pumpkin.
build 3 Sheared Snow Golem JE1 BE1.png Snow golems' pumpkin can now be removed with shears.
build 9 Snow golems can now leave a trail of snow in plains biomes.
v0.14.0 build 1 Snow golems can now be created by dispensing the pumpkin from a dispenser atop two snow blocks.
v0.16.0 build 5 Added sounds entity.snowman.ambient, entity.snowman.hurt, and entity.snowman.death.
Pocket Edition
1.0.5 alpha Snow golems are no longer able to leave a trail of snow layers, if the gamerule mobGriefing is set to false.
1.1.0 alpha The entity ID has been changed from snowgolem to snow_golem.
Bedrock Edition
? The health of snow golems has been reduced from 10 to 4.
1.2.0 beta The snow golem's face can now be seen only after shearing it.
1.10.0 beta Snow Golem.png Sheared Snow Golem JE2 BE2.png The textures of snow golems have been changed.
1.11.0 beta Snow golems now take damage from walking over campfires.
1.16.100 beta Snow golems now drop a pumpkin when sheared.[11]
1.17.0 beta Snow golems are now immune to freezing.
beta Snow golems are now damaged by splash water bottles and lingering water bottles.
Legacy Console Edition
TU7 CU1 1.0 Patch 1 Snow Golem JE1 BE1.png Sheared Snow Golem JE1 BE1.png Added snow golems.
TU11 The limit for snow golems in a world has been increased.
TU12 Snow golems have a new path-finding AI and can form a wall to attack mobs.
Snow golems now take damage in deserts, jungles, the Nether, and when in contact with rain and water.
TU43 CU33 1.36 Patch 13 Added sounds for snow golems.
PlayStation 4 Edition
1.90 Snow Golem.png Sheared Snow Golem JE2 BE2.png The textures of snow golems have been changed.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
0.1.0 Snow Golem JE1 BE1.png Sheared Snow Golem JE1 BE1.png Added snow golems.
  • First screenshot of a snow golem, released by Notch on September 21, 2011.

Issues [ ]

Issues relating to "Snow Golem" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.

Trivia [ ]

  • Snow golems cannot be made by pistons because the code for generating snow golems are found in the pumpkin's OnBlockPlace ("placed by a player") event.
  • Snow golems rarely spawn naturally in snow biomes; if two snow blocks happen to spawn naturally with a patch of pumpkins, a snow golem may spawn naturally.‌[ Bedrock Edition only ]
  • They could also spawn in versions prior to 17w47a if a patch of carved pumpkins spawned in a snow biome, or if an enderman placed a carved pumpkin next to two blocks of snow. The chances of this are 1 in 5,000,000,000,000 (one in five trillion).

Gallery [ ]

  • Snow golem biome statistics.

Screenshots [ ]

  • Creation of a snow golem.

  • A snow golem attacks a spider.

  • A snow golem without pumpkin.

  • A large group of snow golems in a lake.

  • Three snow golems that were built by endermen.

  • The view from inside a snow golem's head. Its real face can be seen.

  • Snow golem enjoying the night.

  • Snow golem face texture.

In other media [ ]

  • Official artwork of a Snow Golem under attack.

References [ ]

  2. MCPE-94448
  4. MC-72151
  5. a b "Also, they spread snow by walking around. Nice." – @notch on Twitter, September 21, 2011
  6. " Got frustrated with AWS, so I made a new mob! :D" – @notch on Twitter, September 21, 2011
  7. "It will be craftable, is friendly, and throws snowballs at enemies. Also melts in hot biomes." – @notch on Twitter, September 22, 2011
  10. MC-94094
  11. MCPE-66967

How To Create Snowman In Minecraft


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